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Morse Code Detector

Since I am a member of Moscow Ham Radio club, I volunteered to repair an old russian Morse code detector called ADKM-85. This device has been used sinse USSR epoch to train military and civilian personnel to use Morse code for CW transmission and reception.

Copyright (c) Sergey B. Voinov.
Morse Code Detector.

The device generates series of Morse code signals based on different adjustable settings like speed, tone, noise, etc.

The internals of the device are quite brutal :)

Copyright (c) Sergey B. Voinov.
Morse Code Detector.

The problem was in CD4002 IC (analogue to USSR K561LE5 and K176LE5 ICs) - it has lost one of it's NOR gates which produced errorneous logic output. I replaced the whole IC and the device started working perfectly. Now it can be used again with the full efficiency.

Created by master on 2012-03-06 23:41:55, Modified on 2012-10-29 18:02:57.